Where to Park
Any students, faculty or staff who wishes to park on college property (including east campus) must register their vehicle and display a current parking permit. This includes commuters, fifth year seniors, east campus residents and student teachers.
Students may not park on Giddings Circle, Pawling Circle, Anderson West, Infirmary lot, Meetinghouse, or other lots identified by signage as faculty/staff between the hours of 7:00am and 5:00pm Monday through Friday.
Students may park their registered vehicle in designated student lots.
Parking in legal spaces on city streets is an option, but beware that on Dudley Avenue and Clayton Avenue there are reserved residential spaces that are not open to students. These spaces are clearly marked as tow zones with signage and are monitored daily by the city police.
Parking is not permitted in any fire lane, loading zone, marked tow zones, any grass area, or at anytime in specifically reserved spaces such as handicapped, RD, or the President.
No vehicles are permitted in the Mill’s Quad area without authorization. At no time are vehicles permitted on the grass areas except as specifically authorized in advance. Driving or parking on sidewalks or grounds anywhere on campus is strictly prohibited without the expressed prior consent of the Director of Campus Safety.
Student Parking
- Anderson East
- Allen/PHA Lot
- Alpha Gamma Delta
- Anderson East
- Fitness Center
- Georgetown Baptist Church Lot
- Hambrick Village Lot
- Hollyhock South
- Kappa Alpha/Kappa Delta lot
- Knight Hall East and West
- Military/Jackson Lot
- Pi Kappa Alpha Lot
- Rucker Village Lot
- Sigma Lot
East campus residents may not park in front of the Thomas and King Conference Center unless they are attending a function at the Thomas and King Conference Center.
Faculty and Staff Parking
Download a copy of the faculty/staff parking map
Faculty and Staff may park in:
- Allen/PHA Lot
- Alpha Gamma Delta
- Anderson East and West
- Fitness Center
- Georgetown Baptist Church Lot
- Gravel lot by Pike
- Hollyhock North and South
- Kappa Alpha/Kappa Delta lot
- Knight Hall East and West
- Military/Jackson Lot
- North and South Military Lots
- Sigma Lot
Parking Permits
All students who plan to park on Georgetown College property are required to register their vehicle (including motorcycles) with Campus Safety. It is very simple to register your vehicle with our office and it only takes a few minutes.
Parking Permit FAQ
All student motor vehicles (including motorcycles) must be registered with the Campus Safety Office. You may register your vehicle at Campus Safety or online at http://my.colleensflowercellar.com/ICS/Campus_Life/Vehicle_Registration.jnz. You must have your license plate number in order to register your vehicle. If you frequently drive more than one vehicle, each should be registered with Campus Safety and display a current decal (additional decals are free). You must register your vehicle each year.
Motorcycles and motorbikes are subject to the same regulations governing other motor vehicles. They may not be operated or parked on any sidewalk. Existing fire codes prohibit the storage of gasoline containers in any building designated as housing. Motorcycles are never permitted in college buildings at anytime.
Your parking permit is a decal which should be placed on the outside of the left lower rear window of your vehicle.
The fee for the parking permit will be billed to your student account. Payment for the decal should be made at the Business Office.
No, all parking lots require a current decal.
Yes, if you wish to park on Georgetown College property.
The fee for the parking permit will be billed to your student account. Payment for the decal should be made at the Business Office.
If you register a vehicle which has a state-issued Georgetown College license plate you will receive a $10 discount on your parking permit. You may apply for a Georgetown College license plate at your local County Clerk’s Office.
If you have a state-issued handicapped permit, a copy must be kept on file at the Campus Safety Office. Students can only display a state issued handicapped permit that has been issued in THEIR name. Students who park in a designated handicap space and use a handicapped permit that has been issued to someone else will receive a parking violation, be towed, and face disciplinary actions.
Parking Violations
Campus Safety reserves the right to ticket and/or tow any vehicle in violation of vehicle and parking policies, including registration under false pretenses. The driver and/or the registered owner of the vehicle is responsible for violation(s) of College vehicle and parking regulations, including appropriate fines, towing fees, related charges and possible disciplinary action. Make sure you inform any relative or friend who may use your vehicle about parking guidelines. This includes where to legally park your vehicle in order to avoid a parking citation.
Tickets and Impoundment
If you park in a spot not authorized by your permit, you are a candidate for a parking citation. These citations can be costly; the following is a list of parking violations and fines.
Failure to display current decal | $50 |
Parking in a Disabled Person’s spot | $75 |
Parking in a reserved or restricted area | $40 |
Driving/Parking on grounds/sidewalk | $40 |
Parking in a fire Lane | $40 |
Improper parking(over line, not in space) | $20 |
Improper display of current decal | $20 |
Tow fees and impoundment cost even more. Fines are paid at the Business Office located in Highbaugh Hall. There will be a $5 reduction in the total fine for all tickets paid within 2 business days.
Parking Violation Appeal
Students who feel their car has been unfairly ticketed have the right to file an appeal with the Campus Safety Office within 5 business days. An appeals committee which is comprised of faculty, staff, and students meets monthly to review parking appeals.
How do I file an appeal?
Parking citation appeals are filed with the Campus Safety office. In order for your appeal to be considered an appeal form must be completed giving a written explanation of circumstances. The copy of the parking citation must also be attached to the appeal form. When you file an appeal you do not need to pay any portion of the fine until after you have been notified of the committee’s decision.
How will I be notified of the committee’s decision?
Students who have filed an appeal will receive a letter informing them of the committee’s decision. Students who are informed that their appeal has been denied or amended will still have the opportunity to receive a $5 reduction in the total fine. However, the fine must be paid in full and within 2 days from receipt of the notification letter.
Other Parking Policies
- All parking areas owned by Georgetown College require vehicles to display a current decal. This includes the Fitness Center center and gravel lots.
- Parking policies are enforced everyday of the week including weekends.
- The City of Georgetown Police Department can ticket vehicles on college lots that are parked in tow zones, fire zones, and handicapped spaces.
- Campus Safety should be contacted immediately if your vehicle information changes.
- Do not use any other permit you find or that you may receive from someone other than Campus Safety.
- If you loan your vehicle to someone else, YOU will be held responsible for any citation issued.
- Do not assume that because other vehicles are parked ILLEGALLY that you may do so.
- Do not park on yellow lines, fire lanes, or any restricted areas with the HAZARD LIGHTS flashing; this will not prevent you from receiving a citation. Park only in designated areas between the white lines.
- Transcripts will not be given to students who have not settled outstanding parking violations. Seniors will not be permitted to graduate without first settling outstanding parking violations.
- Georgetown College is not responsible for any damage or loss that may occur to a student’s motor vehicle/motorcycle or its contents. Campus Safety will assist you in contacting the Georgetown City Police Department to report theft or vandalism to your vehicle/motorcycle.